I honestly thought I had a super-gene having avoided Covid for over 2 years, but it finally got me last week. Having been double-jabbed and boosted, I was lucky as the symptoms have been pretty mild compared to the first couple of waves, but it can still knock you for 6 for a few days.
As a solo-preneur when that happens it can also knock your business too, so I thought I’d write a blog to give some tips on how to get your business back on track after a bout of Covid or sickness.
Struggling with those first few days
Being poorly is no fun but having to isolate as well is pretty rubbish all round. The bedroom became my home for a week with Netflix as my main companion along with a few binge evenings watching “Emily in Paris” and “Anatomy of a scandal” To be honest both were perfect to immerse myself and try to think of other things than work.
Even with mild symptoms as a heavy cold, I did feel lethargic, headachy and surrounded by tissues so there was little option to give in and REST.
Tip 1: Listen to your body
Despite the long list of things on your to do list, and the likely fact that there is no-one else to do them, you owe it to yourself to rest to enable your body to recover quicker. Rushing back into things won’t help yourself and you’re more likely to make mistakes with the brain fog that comes with it.
Tip 2: Don’t feel guilty
Whether it’s a holiday or a bout of sickness, as a solo-preneur, one of the most common issues is the feeling of guilt and worry when you take some time off away from the business. You also need to re-charge at times and it’s better to return fresher and more energised with a plan.
I took the opportunity to re-connect with my Bullet Journal which is a fab system combining productivity and mindfulness into your daily to do list.
Grabbing my pencils and washi tape I set out my spreads for May and created my monthly calendar in the style that works for me and the business. If you want to read more on how Bullet Journaling can help you create and customise your own daily planner suited for you, here’s a link to how you can start Bullet Journaling from my Got2Jot blog
Tip 3: You’re not going to fall off the face of the earth if you don’t post for a few days.
You know me and my views on over-reliance on social media for your Marketing. You do need a break from that creativity and constant pressure to post. I simply put a message out on my accounts to say that I was poorly with Covid and the amount of positive comments, support was amazing. My reach was far higher than normal and true fans and followers will stay with you.
Tip 4: Start back with doing some simple tasks
Even after 3 or 4 days of resting, I still did not have the energy to really focus on the business again. Instead I decided to do some jobs around the office which had been nagging me. The office has been tidied up, my desk cleared, some, not all of the filing has been done and even that has given me a boost already to know that I’m feeling more organised for when I re-start.

Tip 5: Focus on the quick, urgent tasks first
It can be quite overwhelming coming back after being poorly and thinking of what you need to do. The list looks never-ending and you’re probably not functioning on all cylinders still.
Again by using the Bullet Journal system, I categorise all the tasks into groups and then work out which
- Tasks MUST be done as they’re critical to the running of the business ( bills, orders, stock updates)
- Plan out the week ahead and start to move some of your to-do lists into other days or even the following week. This is what we call “migration” in Bujo land.
- Really look at the list and assess what the impact would be of not doing that this week or even at all. We’re all guilty of having things on our to do list that have been there for a few months and still are lurking. Be ruthless, either strike it out or move it to a future month so you don’t lose the task all together.
Look after yourself
We’re all guilty of rushing back into things but pace yourself and ask for help if you need it. Explain to your fans or followers that you’re back but taking it slowly, true fans will “get this”
I hope this has given a few ideas to help you get your mojo back after Covid, as we know we’re going to have to live with this now for a long time.
If you’re feeling refreshed and ready to run again then a good starting point to begin with is to carry out a quick audit on your Marketing touch points. If you sign up to my mailing list then you can use the “Spring Clean your Marketing checklist” as a good starting point.
If you fancy joining my FREE Facebook group for bite size Marketing tips then please come and join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/marketexplorersuk
June Workshops
Finally our next face to face workshop programme starts on 10th June so if you live close to Milton Keynes and are struggling with your Marketing strategy and planning then take a look at our Pathway programme. Perfect for small biz owners who need a Marketing mentor to help bring a fresh pair of eyes on their business at an affordable price.
With practical tools and workbooks, we will go back and revisit the Marketing foundations, home in on your customer needs and wants, identify your USP and set out your goals and objectives for your Marketing.
Once these are in place we can work on your strategy and planning, opening your eyes to opportunities in the offline world as well as the online world. It’s not all about social media!
We’re not talking about “silly” numbers that you often see in these marketing programmes online. This is face to face, expertise and support bringing a focus on your business and you.